The Best Ways to Raise Confident Children!

2 min readJun 13, 2021

As parents, we always hope to raise our kids to be skilful and confident. In this fiercely competitive world that we now live in, as a child grows up, confidence and skills move from a mere accessory to an important attribute required to survive life’s challenges. Hence, from extracurricular activities for teenagers to workshops, we try to do it all for our kids. But what is it that makes a child confident?

All children are different, and one size doesn’t fit all. However, you can embed confidence into your child, and here are some time tested tips that will come in handy:

1. Be Confident in Yourself:

While there may be several ways to teach children skills — confidence cannot be taught; it is inbred. Children learn a great deal from their parents and the environment in which they live. Thus, parents should, at all times, try to model a confident attitude toward their children. As blood replicates blood — children also tend to pick up what they see in their parents and naturally grow up to be more confident.

2. Work on their Weaknesses and Strengths:

If you have a shy child, or your child is seemingly introverted — public speaking and enrolling them for after-school skills classes can help your child succeed. Here, they meet other children, talk and make conversation, and gain some outer-world perspective. This will improve their knowledge bank and make them more self-assured.

3. Teach Children Age-appropriate Skills:

Children need to learn different attributes to feel connected to their peers and thus become confident in themselves. Hence, depending on the age of your children, you should encourage book reading to help them improve their vocabulary or recommend age-appropriate content to support their diction and presentation. Further, for older children — you must teach them skills suitable for a teenager or talk about money management, economics, politics, and other slightly mature subjects.

To Sum It Up!

The steps mentioned above will improve children knowledge, personality, and attitude phenomenally, consequently making them confident and agile. However, there is one thing that, as a parent, you must always ensure to — celebrate Your child. Appreciation and motivation go a long way in building confidence. Hence, as a parent, you must always encourage your children and celebrate that even their most minor achievements will positively make them more confident of taking bolder steps in the future — thus serving your purpose almost organically.




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